
Hello, everybody

Iron Johnson Team.
From novice to Ironman.


Iron Johnson

I am the founder of the team Alexander Teterin (Iron Johnson). I was born in 1971 and I have been in sports since 1976. I am Master of Sports of Ukraine in rowing, multiple winner and medalist of the Championships and Ukrainian Cup in 1992-2000, medalist of the World Cup stages in 1993-1996. I have been in triathlon since 2017. Over this time, I had more than 30 starts, including 5 half Ironman races (best result 04:52). In 2021, I won the second place in the 50+ category at the Ukrainian Long-Distance Triathlon Championship (3.8 / 180 / 42.2).

In 2011 at the age of 40 I created an AC/DC tribute band. In 6 years, the band gave more than 700 concerts from Kamchatka to the Atlantic. It was the time of real rock and roll for me. But by the end of 2016, I realized that this fun could end very soon and decided to go back to the healthy lifestyle. When I saw the Rick and Dick video, I told myself: "What the hell? This is what I need!"

Am I happy now? This is my answer: in 4 years thanks to triathlon I spent on my health exactly as much as I would have spent on hanging out in bars and restaurants, I quit smoking, lost 18 kg, got a Master’s degree as a triathlon coach, graduated from a personal trainer school, and was finally I able to make my old dream come true and start training other people!

I prepare amateur athletes for long distance triathlon, Ironman races, marathons and swimming competitions. Now I'm preparing myself and my team for Ironman Warsaw. My goal is the World Championship. I prefer to train remotely. My best half Ironman race result was in 2019 (04:52), when during my preparations for the start I visited 12 countries, visited 55 cities and gave 57 concerts in 6 months. I can train anybody remotely!

Depending on your goals and capabilities, I will help you choose the training option that is best for you.

I achieved results by myself and will help you achieve your results.

Regards, Iron Johnson.

  • Phylosophy

    Anyone can join our team, regardless of the thickness of the wallet and position in society. A lot of people want to do triathlon but can't afford to buy expensive equipment, pay for a personal trainer, or train at a $300-$400 club. I myself went from zero to Ironman. I have a big base behind me and I know how to make Iron Man out of you! Come to IJT - Iron Johnson Team. IJT - Iron Johnson Team.

  • Task

    Make you healthy, teach you how to train without injuries, pick up equipment, prepare for the start of any complexity, lose or gain weight, feel 🔥 every day!

  • Why Iron Johnson

    Everything is simple here. Iron is triathlon and Ironman. Johnson - because since 2011 I've been the vocalist of the AC/DC tribute. Who is the vocalist for AC/DC? That's right, Brian Johnson. Sports and rock and roll together

  • Competitions

    We prepare you for the competition

    • Triathlon: Sprint, Olympic, Half, Ironman
    • Плавание: from 100 m in the pool to a swim across the Bosphorus
    • Bicycle: Kyivska sotka, Lvivska sotka, GranFondo Dnipro, GranFondo Ukraine
    • Running: 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon, ultramarathon
  • Remote Training

    Benefits of Distance Training: More and more amateur triathletes, cyclists and track and field athletes are training with a distance trainer. Saving time (an athlete can do a workout at home, no need to adjust to the time, no need to go to the coach in the studio or in the fitness club). The coach can better think over the plan by adjusting to the athlete, because he is constantly in touch with him. The athlete himself can propose a schedule to the coach

  • Analysys

    We collect contact information about an athlete, medical information, sports experience and identify his potential through a medical examination. After that, we will learn short-term and long-term tasks and goals.

  • Planning

    Planning is a long and laborious process. It includes:

    • annual planning (testing, technical abilities for individual sports, periodization, training volumes).
    • weekly planning: each person is individual, so we first draw up a plan for preparing for the main start, but if necessary, adjust it weekly, adhering to each client individually.


Principle of preparation

Each person is individual and we have an individual approach to each. What does this mean: someone works from 09.00 to 18.00, someone every other day, someone at night, and someone, like me, combines the schedule of a rock musician and an athlete. In the base period of 2019, for 55 days in February-April, I visited 43 cities and managed to train everywhere, so planning and an individual approach to everyone in our team are in order. That's why I support remote training

The complete algorithm of our work

Preliminary analysis

Analysis of long-term and short-term dynamics of the main performance indicators and recovery processes

We collect contact information about an athlete, medical information, sports experience and identify his potential through a medical examination. After that, we will learn short-term and long-term tasks and goals.

Training task

Training task 1

Fulfillment of the first task set by the coach.

Feedback form

Download training data (TrainingPeaks, Garmin, Strava) and recovery

Data is required for analysis.

Analysis of training performance and the current level of recovery processes

Data analysis

The trainer conducts a thorough analysis of the completed task, based on the data received.

Rider feedback and workout adjustments

Tips & Tricks

The coach contacts the athlete remotely (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) and, if necessary, corrects the training process.

Training task

Training task 2

Fulfillment of the second training task, taking into account the adjustments made.



A task - help everyone to be healthy, train without injuries, choose the right equipment, lose or gain weight, prepare for competitions of any complexity: triathlon, swimming, cycling, running. Therefore, our coaching staff are real fans of their craft, who have gone from independent training to high results in amateur sports, and now they train amateurs with great success and help them achieve good results.

Iron Johnson

Iron Johnson


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Kubrak Olexander

Kubrak Olexander


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Panchenko Egor

Panchenko Egor


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Milinkovskaya Diana

Swimming personal coach
Milinkovskaya Diana

Swimming personal coach

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Services and prices

Advantages of distance training: More and more amateur triathletes, cyclists and track and field athletes are training with a distance trainer. What the athlete gets: saving time (the athlete can do a workout at home, no need to adjust to the time, no need to go to the coach in the studio or in the fitness club). The coach can better think over the plan by adjusting to the athlete, because he is constantly in touch with him. The athlete thinks a lot himself.

  • "Remote"

    • Remote training in triathlon and running
    • Strategic plan
    • Control, analysis and correction of the plan
    • Selection of equipment, equipment
    • Discounts from partners 10%
  • "Personal"

    • Personal triathlon training
    • Swimming pool
    • Gym
    • Bike training
    • Running training
    • Strategic plan
    • Control, analysis and correction of the plan
    • Selection of equipment, equipment
    • Discounts from partners 20%
  • "All inclusive"

    included package "Personal"

    • Slot for any start of the series Ironman
    • Discounts for slots in Ukraine -Sports testing in the laboratory Vo2maxlab 2 times a year
    • Nutrition and recovery -Discounts from partners up to 30%
    300$ / month 3300$ / year
  • Group and individual training

    • swimming
    • cycling
    • running


Ironman 70.3 Warsaw 2023

Preparatory program for Ironman 70.3 Warsaw, Ironman Warsaw 5150

What do you have as you prepare for Ironman with IJT:

  • the beginning of preparation on January 09;
  • registration for the race;
  • Mandatory functional testing;
  • support of the athlete throughout the entire preparation time in the 24/7 format;
  • participation in one domestic start in the half of Ironman for those who are preparing for Ironman Italy;
  • participation in one internal start in the olympic for those who are preparing for Ironman Italy 70.3;
  • participation in one domestic start in the sprint for those preparing for the Ironman Italy 5150;
  • starter suit as a gift;
  • nutrition and recovery;
  • selection of outfit and equipment;
  • discounts from partners.

The plan is drawn up and prescribed individually for each.

Full cost of preparation for Ironman 70.3 Warsaw

  • Ironman 70.3 Warsaw 1500$.
  • Ironman Warsaw 5150 1000$.


Memorable moments

There were many moments in our history that we would like to remember again and again. There were up and down, there were successes and failures, but we are ready to achieve victory, despite the difficulties.



We cooperate with companies engaged in the production of products for sports and athletes.

Reviews about us

Author image
Denis Shishko Manager

I recommend Alexander as a triathlon coach. I started doing it myself, on my own about a year ago, I did the sprint distance myself...

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Andrew Employee

Friends, two decades ago, Alexander and I conquered the waterways of the rowing canals together. Finishing my sports career, I never thought that I would cheat on my favorite sport - rowing...

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Vita Golovan Financial director

The reasons why people go in for sports are very different.

Someone wants to get back in shape or increase stamina. Some people need to lose weight. Someone keeps a friend or loved one company. And someone dreams of winning the competition

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Jonathan Wylie Paramedic

Iron's provided excellent coaching services training for my first marathon. He was always approachable and scientific in his approach

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Chris Parks Entrepreneur

The hips were so bad that I could barely walk in 2017. I could not 100m without pain. In 2019 I had my left hip replaced and in 2020 I had my right hip replaced

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Contact Us

If you have any questions you can contact us.

Phone, Viber, Whatsup

Kyivstar : +38 (067) 233 6222



Instagram: @ironjohnsonteam